Nominate an outstanding HR professional for 2023 HR Professional of the Year!
Nevada Association of Employers (NAE) is accepting nominations for our 2023 HR Professional of the Year. This award is given out to recognize and honor excellence in Human Resources.

Do you know someone who is an outstanding HR professional?
Is there someone whose hard work and dedication to the HR profession doesn’t get the recognition it deserves?
Nominate them for the 2023 HR Professional of the Year!
Nominees must be a current practitioner of Human Resources who supports a Nevada employer. Nominees do not need to be employed by a NAE member organization. All Nevada HR professionals are welcome! You may nominate more than one individual for this award, but you cannot nominate the same individual more than once. Nominations can be by self-nomination, peer, subordinate, supervisor or other.
The HR Professional of the Year will be announced at the 2023 Nevada Employers Conference on Friday, July 14, 2023. Nominations will be accepted through Friday, June 2, 2023.
Past Winners
2022 HR Professional of the Year
Shani Dues, Nevada Rural Housing Authority
2021 HR Professional of the Year
Chantal Lugo, Kidney Specialists of Southern Nevada
2019 HR Professional of the Year
Rachel Lee, Spine Nevada
2018 HR Professional of the Year
Angie Rodriguez, Saint Mary’s Health Network
2017 HR Professional of the Year
Jason Ispisua, Charles River Laboratories
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