Nevada Association of Employers: A Voice for Business

Finding and retaining good employees is a major challenge for employers today, LET US HELP.

Here at NAE we provide HR services in Nevada, like legal resources, government relations services, employment law consulting, training, and surveys. This helps you hone your skills, stay up to date, navigate legal matters, and have the tools you need to stay relevant and compliant. Be the best employer possible with our tools to help you attract and retain employees.

hr services

HR Services Nevada

One of the most important keys to a successful business is effective human resource management. A business’ HR team ensures that the business has an efficient and productive workforce.  NAE’s experienced human resources professionals help members create and maintain positive employer-employee relationships. Our HR professionals help members develop effective human resources practices, consult on daily HR challenges, and work with our members to make the employer/employee relationship more manageable.​

nevada government relations

Government Relations

Nevada businesses are dramatically affected by rules, regulations and laws passed by the federal and state actions. NAE’s government relations services help to bridge the gap between businesses and the government. NAE offers a wide range of government relations services to all of its members, based on our understanding and experience with the governmental process. We monitor legislative processes, administrative policies, and proposed agency rules. NAE also helps our members respond to pending claims and investigations from a variety of state and federal agencies.  In addition, NAE tracks proposed rules and legislation that affects businesses and assists in establishing coalitions to advocate common positions.

employment law

Employment Law

At NAE, we help members develop legal defense solutions to difficult situations. NAE’s professionals consult with members on everyday legal issues and compliance regarding ever-changing laws and regulations. We review member handbooks, policies, and agreements to assist members in staying  compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

nevada hr training

HR Training

NAE provides training for HR professionals, managers, supervisors and all other employees. We provide our members with training programs that enhance specific skills needed to develop and maintain an effective workforce. Members have access to our structured training series, special events, panel discussions, monthly presentations on timely issues, webinars and on-site training tailored to the member’s specific business needs.

See upcoming events >>

hr survey

HR Surveys

Successful employers need survey information regarding up-to-date wage and salary levels, employee benefits, and information on personnel satisfaction. Our survey specialists provide members with timely facts and statistics that can be used in the development of personnel policies, benefit packages and competitive compensation. We conduct annual salary and benefits surveys that show statistics that are unique to Nevada businesses. NAE also offers a free Quick Pulse survey each year to our members so that management can get a fast read of their workforce’s engagement. In addition, we offer members on-site extensive employee engagement surveys.


For questions about membership, please contact or 1 (888) 398-8092.

Disclaimer: Statements made by Nevada Association of Employers’ HR professionals and staff are for informational purposes only. NAE provides general legal information, not legal representation or advice. No attorney client relationship is created by any information you receive. You should not act upon this information without seeking independent legal counsel.