Reasonable suspicion training is offered as part of our Supervisory Skills: The Fundamentals series, as a standalone in-person or virtual training, and can be offered on demand as a customized training for your workforce.

What is Reasonable Suspicion Training?

As any employer knows, having a safe, healthy, and productive work environment is important to business success. Having employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the job poses serious health and safety risks. Training supervisors to recognize the signs and symptoms of someone under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is key to reducing those risks and providing a safe work environment.

NAE provides comprehensive training to supervisors on reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing, including signs and symptoms of drug use and alcohol misuse, best practices for documenting and addressing reasonable suspicion in the workplace, the essentials of the documentation process, the importance of handling the situation with sensitivity and confidentiality, and more.

Why is it important to the workplace?

Supervisors equipped with proper training and knowledge to address employee substance issues can prevent accidents, reduce liabilities, and create a healthier work environment. The training NAE provides helps supervisors recognize the immediate signs of drug and alcohol use but also to understand the impacts on workplace safety and productivity.

Check out our Calendar for upcoming reasonable suspicion trainings.

For more information about reasonable suspicion training, contact us at 888.398.8092 or to discuss your training needs.