Learn About Nevada Association of Employers:

what is nae

What is NAE?

What is NAE? Nevada Association of Employers has been serving Nevada business owners for over 80 years with HR consulting services, supervisor training, webinar opportunities, legal services, and other informational resources that all Nevada businesses need to know.

We are so proud of the history of our organization and all that NAE has been able to provide to the business community over the years.

learn about nae

Getting to Know NAE

Since 1938, Nevada Association of Employers (NAE) has been providing Nevada companies with services and support to help them successfully operate and grow their businesses. NAE continues to offer time-tested services and support for our members. We employ innovative practices that keep our clients at the forefront of the ever-changing business climate.

NAE currently serves over 600 employers throughout the state of Nevada, and membership is constantly increasing. Members includes businesses in manufacturing, energy, finance, service, non-profit, mining, and more. NAE supports businesses with as few as one employee and businesses with hundreds of employees. NAE provides benefits to Nevada businesses big and small, in a variety of industries, with differing needs and goals.

the history of nae

Our History

The employer association concept has a very interesting history. Coming to prominence shortly after the Civil War, employer associations were viewed as the conduit between businesses and unions. Back then, employer associations called many of the lockouts rather than the employers.

In 1895, the National Association of Manufacturers was created and with it, the number of employer associations began to increase. During the early years of the 20th century, the top 10 employer associations represented more than 15,000 employers in campaigns against unions. Employer associations have maintained their place in labor/management relations across the country. In the past several decades, many have also taken on the role of human resources support and political lobbying.

nae right to work state

the history of nae


NAE and Government Relations

Now, more than ever, employers need to keep on top of all that is happening legislatively and at the regulatory agencies. Changes can impact your business and in many cases, non-compliance can result in penalties.

Our government relations services help to bridge the gap between businesses and government. We are uniquely situated to keep our members appraised of what is developing at the state and federal level. We monitor legislative process, administrative policies, and proposed agency rules. We assist in establishing coalitions to advocate common positions before legislative bodies.

We immediately notify our members of any changes to state and federal law to ensure members are up-to-date on their obligations as employers. We provide guidance on new and emerging issues potentially impacting member businesses.

Our organization maintains a close relationship with many state and federal regulatory agencies, including U.S. Department of Labor, to ensure members are informed of the latest information on the enforcement position of those agencies.

The Right to Work State

NAE (known formerly as the Reno Employer’s Council and part of the California Association of Employers) was formed in 1938 as an effort to maintain a union-free environment in Downtown Reno. In the late 1930’s and throughout the 1940’s, NAE was involved in helping employers stay union free. We assisted employers with their campaign efforts and represented them during collective bargaining.

During the 1950’s, the ‘right-to-work’ movement in Nevada was at the forefront of matters. NAE was very much involved in a 1952 initiative to get the Right to Work bill on the ballot. The ballot initiative was successful and in 1952, the people of Nevada passed the Right to Work Bill. Union efforts to repeal this bill over the next several years were rejected by voters. Nevada remains a right to work state to this day.

In 1962, NAE separated from the California Association of Employers and continued with its labor relations efforts. In the 1980’s, federal laws like COBRA and IRCA added to an already lengthy list of employment laws businesses had to navigate. NAE responded by becoming a professional resource for businesses to operate within those laws. In addition, NAE added a variety of training programs to their services to educate employers on their obligations under the law and supervisory development classes.

Are you interested in becoming an NAE member? As a professional resource for businesses that are dedicated to keeping compliant, we are Nevada’s number one resource for employers to keep their businesses running smoothly and their employees happy.

Visit our blog and keep your eyes out for weekly advice that ranges  workplace violence and interactions, to employer adviceContact NAE today and take advantage of what we can offer your business. NAE is proud to operate throughout the entire state of Nevada, Northern and Southern.

nae member benefits

Member Benefits and Services

HR Services

NAE’s experienced human resources professionals help members develop effective human resource practices, consult on daily HR challenges and help to make the employer-employee relationship more manageable.

Government Relations

Our government relations services bridge the gap between businesses and government regulators by monitoring legislative process, administrative policies and proposed agency rules that affect business.

Employment Law

We help our members develop legally defensible solutions to difficult situations by reviewing handbooks, policies, and agreements to assist members in staying compliant with ever-changing laws and regulations.


We offer training programs that enhance specific skills needed to develop and maintain an effective workforce, including our structured training series, special events, webinars and tailored on-site trainings.


NAE provides business leaders with timely data and statistics that can be used in developing personnel policies and competitive compensation and benefits packages. Successful businesses use our survey data to stay competitive.

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Why Join NAE?

Our organization is dedicated to ensuring that businesses are able to compete lawfully, ethically and efficiently in the state of Nevada. Finding and retaining good employees is a major challenge for employers today, let us help!