A recent survey revealed that there has been a substantial decline in employee engagement across several generations in the workforce over the last several years. Lack of engagement has implications for workplace productivity, employee retention, and workplace morale. Therefore, employers should pay attention to these statistics and develop strategies to counter disengagement amongst their workforce.

While Baby Boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) experienced a slight uptick in engagement, all other generations currently in the workforce experienced a decline, with the greatest decline being Millennial (those born between 1981 and 1996) and Gen Z (born between 1997 and 2012). However, even amongst Millennials, older Millennials experienced a greater decline in engagement that younger Millennials. Gen X employees also experienced a decline in engagement, but to a lesser extent than the generations that follow.

Between 2020 and 2023, the percentage of engaged Gen X employees declined from 35% to 31%. Younger Millennials and Gen Z experienced a slightly higher decline, from 40% to 35%, over the same time period. Older Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1988) saw the steepest decline in engagement, going from 39% to 32%. Older Millennials also saw a greater increase in disengagement, going from 12% to 17% over the same time period (all other generations except Baby Boomers saw a 1% increase). At the same time that we are seeing declines in employee engagement, over 50% of employers are reporting that employee satisfaction is their most important goal.

Employee engagement is a powerful indicator of an organization’s health and potential for growth. In today’s competitive landscape, where attracting and retaining top talent is paramount, understanding and fostering employee engagement is more critical than ever. One tool in this pursuit is an employee engagement survey, which provides organizations with valuable insights into the minds and experiences of their workforce. By harnessing the data gleaned from these surveys, organizations can identify areas for improvement, implement targeted interventions, and ultimately cultivate a more engaged and motivated workforce.

Want to know where you stand with your employees? Engage NAE for an employee engagement survey. NAE has extensive experience conducting these surveys for businesses in Nevada. We provide an accurate and comprehensive assessment of your workforce, comparing results to national benchmarks across ten categories, including leadership effectiveness, organizational practices, development and employee recognition, and workplace communication. These insights guide organizations in identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing employee satisfaction and organizational success.